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Aleppo – Bombing of civilians

Explosive weapons

The bombing and shelling of the city of Aleppo in northern Syria has intensified in recent days, killing and injuring hundreds of civilians.



Horrified by these atrocities against civilians, Handicap International condemns the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, a tragically common feature of current conflicts, including in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and Ukraine. Ninety percent of casualties are civilians. It is high time the international community took action to end this barbaric practice. Indiscriminate or deliberate attacks against civilians are a violation of international law.

The use of explosive weapons in populated areas kills civilians and causes suffering and serious injuries (burns, open wounds, fractures, etc.), permanent disabilities and psychological trauma. It displaces people from their homes and destroys vital infrastructures such as homes, schools and hospitals.

During attacks, some weapons do not explode on impact, posing a permanent threat to civilian lives long after a conflict is over. The presence of explosive remnants of war makes it dangerous for people to return to their homes once an attack is over or the conflict has ended.

© C. Franc / Handicap International

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