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Kanhara, Cambodge

Kanhara, Cambodge | (c) HI

Body Test FR

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Fatou Thiam


Help them

To go further

Protecting and restoring the dignity and well-being of the people of Mali
© B. Coulibaly / HI
Health Prevention

Protecting and restoring the dignity and well-being of the people of Mali

Thousands of people have fled violence in the Gao region. With the support of the European Union, Humanity & Inclusion is providing them with protection, mental health and psychosocial support.

Promote the health of indigenous communities in Venezuela
© M. Campos / HI
Health Prevention Rights

Promote the health of indigenous communities in Venezuela

Some communities in the state of Amazonas have experienced disruptions to their lifestyle, with negative effects on their health. Humanity & Inclusion is working alongside them to improve their access to healthcare.

Putting an end to widespread destruction and civilian harm in populated areas
© HI
Explosive weapons Prevention Rights

Putting an end to widespread destruction and civilian harm in populated areas

States have gathered in Oslo to review the implementation of the political declaration against the bombing and shelling of towns and cities.