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Women Deliver

Thanks for stopping by our booth! In an effort to save paper, we've included a list of the downloadable publications that were mentioned during our Women Deliver event and highlighted at our booth.

Grace had to be amputated because of an infection in her leg following an injection she received at birth.

Grace had to be amputated because of an infection in her leg following an injection she received at birth. | © Johanna de Tessières / HI

Protection Against Violence Based on Disability, Gender, Age (2019)

Humanity & Inclusion works to prevent violence based on disability, gender and age and its disabling consequences in development and fragile settings, as well as to provide holistic care for survivors of violence, exploitation and abuse. Our goal is to ensure that people with disabilities and other at-risk groups are less exposed to violence and can live in dignity, independently, and with control over their own lives. Download the flier.

Disability Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health (2019)

Humanity & Inclusion promotes Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of people with disabilities and vulnerable populations in development and fragile settings. Download the flier.

Non-Communicable Diseases: Prevention and Detection (2019)

Humanity & Inclusion promotes the awareness raising, prevention, early detection, and care management of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes in development and fragile settings. Download the flier.

Promoting Inclusive Livelihoods (2019)

Humanity & Inclusion works independently and with partners to design, implement, and evaluate gender and disability inclusive livelihood projects in low- and middle-income countries, empowering women and men with disabilities to access decent, sustainable work. Download the flier.

Seeing the invisible: Sexuality-related knowledge, attitudes and behavior of children and youth with disabilities in China (2019)

Young people with disabilities have the same right to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) as their peers without disabilities, but their needs and rights are often overlooked. The findings of this study, which was initiated by UNESCO and Humanity & Inclusion, aims to provide evidence to support decision-making by government agencies, educators, development workers and other relevant stakeholders regarding developing and implementing disability-inclusive SRH and sexuality education policies and program for young people in China. Download the report.

The Making It Work Gender and disability project: supporting women and girls with disabilities addressing violence and discrimination in Africa – What's new in 2019?

In October 2018, the Making It Work team released its 2nd call for good practices to eliminate discrimination and violence against women and girls with disabilities in Africa. 55 submissions have been reviewed by MIW’s Technical Advisory Committee, and in 2019, 8 good practices have been selected, in Burundi, Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, and Uganda. Download the flier.

Gender and disability intersectionality in practice: Women and girls with disabilities addressing discrimination and violence in Africa (2018)

The 2018 Making It Work report documents nine good practices across six African countries. The practices are carried out by organizations for persons with disabilities (DPOs) and women’s organizations, and are prime examples of concrete experience on how to address issues faced by women and girls with disabilities. Download the full report or the report overview in English or French.

Women with disabilities, HIV and sexual violence: data tell us they are still left behind (2018)

The studies presented in this flier are part of the West Africa regional "HIV & Disability" project in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Cape Verde, and Guinea Bissau. It intends to underline the existence of intersectional factors of vulnerability amongst Women with Disabilities with respect to HIV/AIDS and sexual violence in Burkina Faso and Guinea Bissau. Download the flier.