In Venezuela, HI works mainly in the Amazonian regions and with local actors to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations.

Thanks to her new mill, Luz will be able to increase her production of cane molasses. | © M. Campos / HI
Actions in process
HI operates in the Amazonas and Apure regions to meet the substantial needs of the rural populations living in these areas, which are affected by the consequences of the armed conflict in Colombia. Our programme is developing community initiatives and strengthening community links and protection systems to defuse violence. Our teams are working to create safe and inclusive spaces within communities, and are running awareness-raising sessions on rights, the fight against sexual violence and human trafficking. They place particular emphasis on supporting indigenous women and girls in these regions, by improving access to health services, especially sexual and reproductive health. HI's programme also facilitates access to rehabilitation services, by distributing technical aids for mobility, such as glasses, wheelchairs and walking sticks, and offers psychosocial and mental health support to the most vulnerable.
HI’s teams are also carrying out a project to install sanitation facilities to give people access to water and sanitation. At the same time, they are organising awareness-raising sessions on the risks of disease and distributing, among other things, hygiene products and food. In carrying out these actions, they are particularly sensitive to the needs of populations who are often neglected and have specific needs, such as indigenous populations and women.
HI is also running a project to support young people in the Apure region, with the aim of strengthening their economic and social integration. The programme is supporting the development of economic initiatives launched by young people, helping them to sustain their activity and their income. Our teams are also encouraging greater participation by young people in community life to strengthen cohesion within groups, and carrying out awareness-raising activities to defuse conflicts and develop social dialogue.
Areas of intervention
Situation of the country

Since 2013, Venezuela has been experiencing a severe socio-economic crisis that has led to a sharp increase in poverty and driven over 7 million Venezuelans to leave the country.
At the beginning of the 20th century, oil was discovered in Venezuela, which has the largest known reserves in the world today. Thanks to rising oil prices in the early 2000s, the government led by Hugo Chávez had the funds needed to implement its populist social welfare policies. These policies initially stimulated the Venezuelan economy, temporarily reducing economic inequality and poverty.
When Hugo Chávez died in 2013, Nicolás Maduro was elected with a narrow majority in a widely contested election. Falling oil prices and speculation brought about the collapse of the country's economy. This destabilisation triggered a crisis with hyperinflation, economic depression and shortages of basic goods. This in turn led to a drastic increase in unemployment, poverty, disease, malnutrition and crime. This situation was worsened by the sanctions imposed by the US government.
The socio-economic crisis in Venezuela has been deteriorating since 2019, resulting in one of the largest population displacements in the history of South America. An estimated 7.7 million Venezuelans have left the country since 2014.
The improvement in certain macroeconomic indicators between 2022 and 2023 has not led to an improvement in the population's living conditions. Venezuelans remain very vulnerable and many still fall below the poverty line. In 2023, around 13 million Venezuelans needed emergency aid, both inside and outside the country.
Number of HI staff: 15
Programmed opened in: 2019