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"Working with children is my passion"

Health Inclusion Rehabilitation

Sina works as an occupational therapist at the Basma hospital rehabilitation centre. Since HI set up a specialist paediatric unit for neurological disorders, she has been working with children with cerebral palsy.

Sina, occupational therapist at the Basma hospital rehabilitation centre

Sina, occupational therapist at the Basma hospital rehabilitation centre | © Oriane van den Broeck/HI

A specialist paediatric unit

The support provided by HI has made it possible to set up a space dedicated to children with cerebral palsy. Sina explains her work:

"I manage cases of cerebral palsy. My role is to stimulate the upper limbs to improve their motricity and their ability to do day-to-day tasks. I aim to help the children achieve a minimum level of autonomy. By teaching them how to feed themselves unaided, for example."


A new multi-disciplinary approach

In the last two years numerous changes have been made. Various specialists now work together throughout the rehabilitation process, for example, "HI has encouraged us to work as a team and use new methods, such as joint sessions. We sometimes follow the same patients as the physiotherapists. The physiotherapist teaches the child to walk, whilst the occupational therapist helps them to use their hands to play. The child has fun and the benefits are multiplied. It's good for us and for them," Sina adds.

The specialists also inform the family about the exercises and care that needs to be provided at home to ensure a truly holistic approach.


Tailored training

The different specialists at the rehabilitation centre also benefit from specialist training which is usually difficult to access outside of the capital "We already had one session on cerebral palsy and the next one is on the use of splints. HI has provided us with all the materials and equipment required. This equipment is very expensive but is a crucial part of our work and previously we had nothing like it. After each training sessions the number of patients we see increases because HI sends us people who need care which we are now able to provide. It's an additional source of motivation and makes me feel more confident about the quality of my work," Sina concludes.

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Fatou Thiam


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