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“Half of his body was on fire in an instant”

Last April, Baraa caugt fire and now suffers from burns over half of his body. Since then, the 9-year-old boy has been recovering from his injuries in Qayyarah hospital (south of Mosul), where he receives rehabilitation care from one of Handicap International’s physiotherapists. 

Baraa on his bed in Qayyarah hospital. | © E. Fourt / Handicap International

Where your



Fatou Thiam


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To go further

Joint Statement on the Healthcare Facility Crisis in Gaza
© HI
Emergency Health Rights

Joint Statement on the Healthcare Facility Crisis in Gaza

Humanity & Inclusion Canada and 13 other Canadian NGOs are urgently calling upon the Government of Canada to advocate for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the restoration of peace and security in Gaza.


Protecting and restoring the dignity and well-being of the people of Mali
© B. Coulibaly / HI
Health Prevention

Protecting and restoring the dignity and well-being of the people of Mali

Thousands of people have fled violence in the Gao region. With the support of the European Union, Humanity & Inclusion is providing them with protection, mental health and psychosocial support.

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow
© W. Daniels / HI
Emergency Health Rehabilitation

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow

The situation in Haiti is nothing short of catastrophic with a security, health and food crisis. Yet Haitians are not despairing and remain hopeful of seeing their island regain its former splendour.