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People with disabilities are still excluded

Inclusion Rights

As the world celebrates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December, HI calls governments and actors involved in development cooperation and humanitarian action to make all efforts to fully include people with disabilities and lift any barriers that discriminate against them.

Blind Ali charges phones in the shop he owns with his wife Abiba, who is also blind, in Kakuma Town, Kenya. Both Ali and Abiba are from Kakuma and have received support for their shop from Humanity & Inclusion and other NGOs after NGO's arrived to support the influx of refugees.

Blind Ali charges phones in the shop he owns with his wife Abiba, who is also blind, in Kakuma Town, Kenya. Both Ali and Abiba are from Kakuma and have received support for their shop from Humanity & Inclusion and other NGOs after NGO's arrived to support the influx of refugees. | © Kate Holt / HI

Did you know?

People with disabilities : 15% of the world population

15% of the world population lives with a disability. That’s one person in six. Discrimination by society and discriminatory policies by governments cause a higher risk of poverty for people with disabilities. As a consequence, they are much more likely to experience food insecurity; inability to pay rent, mortgage, and need social services…

Barriers to access to welfare services

In many countries, people with disabilities do not have access to health or social protection services. They are often unaware of their rights and do not know how to apply. There is no accessible information and documentation. They cannot physically access grant offices and staff may have a discriminatory attitude.

Barriers to access health care

People with disabilities are 3 times more likely to be unable to access health care. People with sensory or mobility impairments may encounter physical obstacles to diagnostic equipment and health facilities. People with disabilities may be prevented from accessing health care because of discriminatory practices and policies, lack of access to information, and insurance schemes may limit the availability of coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Barriers to access to education

Depending on countries, up to 90% of children with disabilities do not go to school: Teachers might consider that school is not for them; or not know how to adapt lessons to their needs… School buildings and educational materials are inaccessible. People with disabilities are less likely to attend school, less likely to complete primary or secondary education, and less likely to be literate.

People with disabilities are excluded from the labour market

In developing countries, up to 80% of people with disabilities of working age are out of work. Employers might be reluctant to employ them due to misconceptions about their working capacity, negative societal attitudes and non-accessible workplaces, vocational skills centres and job services.

Where your



Fatou Thiam


Help them

To go further

Joint Statement on the Healthcare Facility Crisis in Gaza
© HI
Emergency Health Rights

Joint Statement on the Healthcare Facility Crisis in Gaza

Humanity & Inclusion Canada and 13 other Canadian NGOs are urgently calling upon the Government of Canada to advocate for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the restoration of peace and security in Gaza.


Promote the health of indigenous communities in Venezuela
© M. Campos / HI
Health Prevention Rights

Promote the health of indigenous communities in Venezuela

Some communities in the state of Amazonas have experienced disruptions to their lifestyle, with negative effects on their health. Humanity & Inclusion is working alongside them to improve their access to healthcare.

Good news June 2024
© H. von Roedern / HI
Inclusion Rehabilitation

Good news June 2024

Good news from Humanity & Inclusion in June: rehabilitation in Somaliland and Togo, economic inclusion in Venezuela.