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Together we build a rehabilitation center for disabled refugees

Supporting the Displaced Populations/Refugees

Kakuma Refugee Camp hosts more than 180,000 uprooted refugees who have fled wars and persecutions in neighboring countries. It is a massive 12 sq km camp, with 4 structured districts, 19 primary schools, and a hospital.

Enfants dans le camp de réfugiés de Kakuma/ Children in the Kakuma refugees camp

Enfants dans le camp de réfugiés de Kakuma/ Children in the Kakuma refugees camp | © E.Cartuyvels/Handicap International

Kakuma Refugee Camp hosts more than 180,000 uprooted refugees who have fled wars and persecutions in neighboring countries. It is a massive 12 sq km camp, with 4 structured districts, 19 primary schools, and a hospital.

In 2014 Humanity & Inclusion, jointly with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, decided to set up a temporary rehabilitation center to assist the many victims with disabilities.

Today, this temporary tent is insufficient to meet the needs of disabled refugees living in Kakuma. Moreover, the tent is often uprooted by strong winds or inaccessible when it rains.

There is an urgent need to build a permanent rehabilitation center and a workshop to provide appropriate long-term support to disabled refugees.

Together, we will support the victims in the long-term. Together, we will bring back hope.



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Fatou Thiam


Help them

To go further

In Kenya, Kakuma's entrepreneurs with disabilities are breaking new ground
© HI
Inclusion Rights

In Kenya, Kakuma's entrepreneurs with disabilities are breaking new ground

For people with disabilities, the context is not always conducive to starting up a business. HI is working alongside them to make the business environment more inclusive.

Gaza: Destruction of Humanity & Inclusion’s warehouse in Rafah
© HI
Emergency Explosive weapons Protect vulnerable populations Rights Supporting the Displaced Populations/Refugees

Gaza: Destruction of Humanity & Inclusion’s warehouse in Rafah

Humanity & Inclusion strongly condemns the destruction by the Israeli army of its warehouse in Rafah and all the humanitarian equipment it contained.

Risk of a collapse of the humanitarian aid in Gaza
© HI
Emergency Explosive weapons Protect vulnerable populations Supporting the Displaced Populations/Refugees

Risk of a collapse of the humanitarian aid in Gaza

New crossing points and ‘floating dock’ are cosmetic changes, as humanitarian access disintegrates in Gaza, warn aid agencies


Jerusalem, 28 May 2024 – As Israeli attacks intensify on Rafah, the unpredictable trickle of aid into Gaza has created a mirage of improved access while the humanitarian response is in reality on the verge of collapse, warn 20 aid agencies. The latest Israeli attacks on a displacement camp near UN aid facilities in Rafah reportedly killed dozens of people, including children, and injured many more. The ability of aid groups and medical teams to respond has now all but crumbled, with temporary fixes such as a ‘floating dock’ and new crossing points having little impact.