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Good news - January 2024

Health Inclusion Prevention Rehabilitation
Burkina Faso Chad Niger South Sudan Ukraine

Good news in January at HI: mental health in Ukraine, inclusive development in Niger and Burkina Faso, sexual & reproductive health in South Sudan and rehabilitation in Eastern Chad

Women laughing in the foreground, a member of the HI team stands from behind.

October 2023. HI's Dnipro teams organised a "Well-being" day for healthcare professionals. | © H. Kostenko / HI

A “well-being” day for carers in Ukraine!

HI's teams in Dnipro have organised a special event for carers, mainly physical therapists, doctors and nurses from local hospitals, intended to reduce their stress and anxiety and help them understand themselves better. Art, breathing techniques and relaxation were just some of the tools offered by HI: tools, but also a little well-deserved 'break' in their difficult everyday lives. Health workers in war zones are particularly in need of strong psychosocial support to help them cope with psychological difficulties and increase their resilience and resources.

In Burkina Faso and Niger, 3,000 very poor households supported to develop sustainable sources of income

In these violence-ridden cross-border regions, food insecurity and a lack of economic opportunities weigh heavily on the poorest communities. Amina (not her real name), who lives in the Sahel region of Burkina Faso, received help from HI to set up a chicken farm. The RECOSA project, which ran for 4 years, enabled thousands of people like Amina to develop economic activities, receive wheelchairs or walking sticks and benefit from greater access to social services.

The WISH (Women’s Integrated Sexual Health) project is a success!

The WISH project aims to strengthen health services and sexual and reproductive rights in Africa and Asia. In South Sudan, HI's teams focus on improving family planning services for women with disabilities and young women, and raising awareness through community activities. They also train local health staff to promote sexual and reproductive health. Silvia Poni Philip is a student with hearing loss. She says that she has acquired new knowledge about reproductive health and will no longer have to worry about becoming pregnant before she finishes her studies.

Recovering his mobility thanks to physical therapy

Abdellatif is 9 years old. He is being treated in a hospital near a refugee camp in eastern Chad, to which thousands of people have fled to escape the war in neighbouring Sudan. At the hospital, everyone calls him "Boss"! The little boy is paraplegic. He has undergone surgery and is now working with HI's physical therapists. During their sessions, the therapists have seen that Abdellatif has some feeling in his legs: a hopeful sign that he may regain some mobility.  HI's teams continue to work on his agility to develop his capacities. Outside of his treatment sessions, Abdellatif does his exercises on his own. He is very determined and optimistic!

Where your



Fatou Thiam


Help them

To go further

Joint Statement on the Healthcare Facility Crisis in Gaza
© HI
Emergency Health Rights

Joint Statement on the Healthcare Facility Crisis in Gaza

Humanity & Inclusion Canada and 13 other Canadian NGOs are urgently calling upon the Government of Canada to advocate for the immediate cessation of hostilities and the restoration of peace and security in Gaza.


Protecting and restoring the dignity and well-being of the people of Mali
© B. Coulibaly / HI
Health Prevention

Protecting and restoring the dignity and well-being of the people of Mali

Thousands of people have fled violence in the Gao region. With the support of the European Union, Humanity & Inclusion is providing them with protection, mental health and psychosocial support.

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow
© W. Daniels / HI
Emergency Health Rehabilitation

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow

The situation in Haiti is nothing short of catastrophic with a security, health and food crisis. Yet Haitians are not despairing and remain hopeful of seeing their island regain its former splendour.