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“Hang in there, never let go” – Christella, Haiti


When the earthquake struck Haiti on 12th January 2010, 12-year-old Christella was at school. The building collapsed on her and she spent the night and much of the next morning trapped under the rubble with the bodies of those who did not survive. After she was rescued Christella’s leg needed to be amputated at the upper thigh.

Christella Haiti

© S. Dabeuf / HI

Christella was at school when the Haiti earthquake struck in January 2010.

The building she was in collapsed, killing many of her classmates and crushing her left leg. After her leg was amputated, Humanity & Inclusion's team found her and gave her physiotherapy. She was then fitted with a prosthesis and started learning to walk again.

Five years later, HHumanity & Inclusion is still helping Christella and other Haiti earthquake victims regain their independence.

Watch Christella tell her story



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Fatou Thiam


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© W. Daniels / HI
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