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HI has helped 1,000 families

Emergency Health Rehabilitation

The explosion in Beirut on 4, 2020 August traumatised an entire population. In six months, Humanity & Inclusion (HI) has helped almost 1,000 families.

Disabled Ramadan Haj, 23, and his mother Houriya, from Aleppo, live in Beirut, near the location of the explosion - August 2020.

Disabled Ramadan Haj, 23, and his mother Houriya, from Aleppo, live in Beirut, near the location of the explosion - August 2020. | © Tom Nicholson / HI

Since August, HI and its local partner Mousawat conducted door-to-door home visits in Al Basta and Carantina areas, two areas affected by the Beirut blast. We provided psychological first aid, rehabilitation and information on services available nearby...

How psychological first aid works?

HI has a team of 20 people providing in-home psychological first aid. Each time members of the team visit someone’s home, they encourage people to talk about their personal situation: Psychological "first aid" involves listening to people, acknowledging their experiences, and adopting a kind and attentive attitude to their distress.

The team also normalizes situations or reactions: if a person explains that he or she feels too anxious to leave home, the psychologist will reply that this is normal, and many people react the same way. This can help relieve stress. Since August, we conducted more than 1,500 psychological first aid sessions.

Providing rehabilitation

Almost 350 people who have been physically injured received rehabilitation services from HI and partners. More than 250 caregivers where also trained on how to help their relatives living with injuries or disabilities.

HI also distributed 170 assistive devices, including 34 mobility assistive devices like wheelchairs, canes, and walkers, and  non- mobility assistive devices like urinary bags, short-term catheters, gel cushions, and toilet chairs.

100 wound kits were also distributed by HI and its partner to people who need to care for less serious injuries, but do not require a hospital visit.

Provide information on aids

The teams also help to identify the needs and priorities of the victims and guide them to services or associations to meet their basic needs. More than 350 people were referred to other services mainly for food, shelter, cash, and medical assistance.

193 households benefitted from 720 hygiene & dignity kits (including diaper and hygienic towels.)

Everyone was provided with awareness prevention messages about COVID-19.

Where your



Fatou Thiam


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To go further

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© HI
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© B. Coulibaly / HI
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© W. Daniels / HI
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