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Humanity and Inclusion supports the victims of the F4 tornado in Cuba


On the 27th of January 2019, a violent tornado heavily damaged several areas of Havana, Cuba’s capital city. Together with the 3 Cuban Disabled People’s Organizations, Humanity & Inclusion launched a series of actions to understand needs and help the population affected by the disaster. 

In 2012, Cuba had already been devastated by Hurricane Sandy

In 2012, Cuba had already been devastated by Hurricane Sandy | HI (archives)

Humanity and Inclusion has been working in Cuba since 1998, facilitating access to employment for people with disabilities, providing functional rehabilitation services and supporting inclusion in disaster risk management. In response to the F4 tornado and its aftermath, HI launched, together with OXFAM and CARE, a new emergency project.

The devastating effects of the tornado 

On January 27, 2019, Havana was hit by a violent storm. The F4 tornado covered 12.4 miles in only 16 minutes, hitting 5 municipalities: 532,000 people were affected. 196 were wounded, 6 killed. The tornado destroyed infrastructures, hospitals and schools. In the aftermath of the catastrophe, 200,000 Cubans found themselves without electricity and 12,600, without access to clean water. Despite the reactivity of public services and the solidarity displayed by the population, the country needs help. 

HI’s Emergency Response 

In the weeks following the tornado, HI and partner organizations introduced a collective project to meet the population’s essential needs. The goal: securing better living and sanitary conditions for the families affected by the storm. The project includes the distribution of hygiene kits, household items and reconstruction kits, as well as actions to facilitate access to clean water. HI will also provide mobility aids for people with disabilities. The project will help 830 families, including 200 people with disabilities. Funds have been granted by ECHO.

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Fatou Thiam


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To go further

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