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Mohammad's rehabilitation

Mohammad and Noor in Azraq refugee camp, in Jordan

Mohammad and Noor in Azraq refugee camp, in Jordan | © E. Fourt / Handicap International

Mohammad was injured in a bombing raid last year in Syria, and his leg had to be amputated. For a few months, he has been living in Azraq camp (Jordan) with his family. Noor, physiotherapist, advises him on how to walk long distances with the prosthesis Handicap International fitted him with. The organization is able to carry out its activities in the region thanks to the support of the European Commission - Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO).

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Fatou Thiam


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To go further

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow
© W. Daniels / HI
Emergency Health Rehabilitation

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow

The situation in Haiti is nothing short of catastrophic with a security, health and food crisis. Yet Haitians are not despairing and remain hopeful of seeing their island regain its former splendour.

Lara, a disabled child in war
© HI
Emergency Rehabilitation

Lara, a disabled child in war

Lara, 8, has cerebral palsy. She is living the terrifying experience of war as a child with disabilities.

We want to live in security, peace and freedom: appeal by Jean, in North Kivu
© S. Lazzarino / HI
Emergency Rehabilitation

We want to live in security, peace and freedom: appeal by Jean, in North Kivu

More than 2.7 million people have been displaced by the crisis in North Kivu. In the camps for displaced people near Goma, the needs are huge. Jean Bahati, 60, bears witness.