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Diabetic Abdel recovers from amputation with HI support

Inclusion Rehabilitation

Diabetic Abdel recovers from amputation thanks to HI support.


Abdelrazzaq gains his mobility back thanks to HI physiothrapists | © HI

Abdelrazzaq got diabetes. He was gradually feeling pain in one of his right toe. Doctors decided to amputate it. Unfortunately, the disease quickly spread to the whole foot. HI supported him during recovery and allowed him to walk again, using a prosthesis..

After the doctor advised him to reduce his right leg, he made up his mind and went for the surgery at the local hospital.

Impact on his private life

Due to his health issues, his wife went away and left him with his sons, which puts him in a difficult financial situation.

The 55-year old Syrian refugee currently lives in a house with his sons close to the Baqaa refugees camp. He used to be a truck driver.

"I have been diabetic for many years and I tried to overcome the disease. But I have lately felt helpless, dependable and weak due to amputation",

he tells.

Required rehabilitation 

Abdelrazzaq suffers from weaknesses in his right hip and knee joints muscles. He has a limitation in the knee extending range of motion. His stump has an irregular shape. 

At the rehabilitation centre, the local medical team supported by HI gave Abdelrazzaq physiotherapy sessions to increase muscles strength and flexibility and banding to improve stump shape. Then, Abdelrazzaq received his prosthesis with training sessions on how to use it, to stand up and walk.

"I have stopped using the wheelchair and I am now able to get out of my house and meet people",

he reports, very happy to be able to walk again.

In addition, Abdelrazzaq is a friendly person who does not like to feel secluded and lonely. Today, he has gained his mobility back and he is able to carry on his daily activities.

Where your



Fatou Thiam


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